This is, mostly, for test purposes! But it also marks the special occasion of being the first blog post on this silly little website, which honestly overjoys me? Most of my personal writing in this sort of format has been kept in Google Docs, with a tarp draped over it as I don't dare show the edgiest fucking writing I have ever created to the public light. And, keeping that in mind, most of these blog posts will probably be lighthearted! No angst for the public crowds, after all, just silly stories that everyone gets to know about me.

I hope this was a good enough introduction to how these posts are going to go. And, who knows, I may add a tiny comments section (if I figure out how to code that in) for the future, y'know, so everyone can fight each other down there and give me a laugh. Make my day, or whatever. Goodnight, all you people in my computer! -R.W.


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